The largest program is the simulator. This is written in C++, and works in a similar way to the other two program combined.
Each type of network is implemented as a class. Each class has the following important variables:
There are also a number of important functions for each class:
The algorithm that Iterate uses to compute the output voltages is simplified based on knowledge of the network. For example, it is not the actual currents that are solved for, but rather the voltage differences across resistive fuses. These are then divided by the characteristic length, which means that only the characteristic length of the network needs to be specified, instead of both the source resistance and the interconnection resistance. The program uses an idealised model of a resistive fuse, and simply uses a if clause which detects if the voltage difference across the resistive fuse is larger than the threshold, and sets the current to zero if it is.
The program has a makefile and is compiled by typing make on the command line. This produces the executable sim. Simply invoking sim on the commmand line produces text output on standard output as well as the same output files that decode produces.
Matthew Exon 2004-05-23